Hindi Meaning Of Poker Face


Meaning of Emojis that Are Available Now Face Emoji Meanings Yawning Face. A face with eyes closed and mouth wide open covered by a hand, the yawning face emoji is perfect for showing that you are feeling sleepy or bored of a conversation. This a great emoji to comment on someone’s Instagram or Snapchat story if the story is boring. A poker face Meaning: a face with no expression; showing no emotion (बिना अभिव्यक्ति वाला चेहरा; कोई भाव नहीं दिखाई देना) Example: Judge Brady has a poker face. He doesn’t show his emotions. A run for one’s money. New players only. Deposit required. 50 Free Spins are credited only when using the supplied Kicker Code on first deposit. Min deposit £10. Each Meaning Of Poker Face In Hindi Free Spin valued at 10p. No min withdrawal. Meaning Of Poker Face In Hindi T&Cs, Rewards.

/noun/ प्रहार; बोरा; धक्का; आघात;
/verb/ढकेलना; कोचना; कुरेदना; थैला; झोला; घुसेड; भोंक;

Synonym thump; bag; push; stroke; jostle; impale; scrape; haversack; stab;

Previous : poisonous
- A large North American herb of the genus Phytolacca (P. decandra), bearing dark purple juicy berries; -- called also garget, pigeon berry, pocan, and pokeweed. The root and berries have emetic and purgative properties, and are used in medicine. The young shoots are sometimes eaten as a substitute for asparagus, and the berries are said to be used in Europe to color wine.
- A bag; a sack; a pocket.
- A long, wide sleeve; -- called also poke sleeve.
- The act of poking; a thrust; a jog; as, a poke in the ribs.
- A lazy person; a dawdler; also, a stupid or uninteresting person.
- A contrivance to prevent an animal from leaping or breaking through fences. It consists of a yoke with a pole inserted, pointed forward.
Hindi Meaning Of Poker Face
2. Poke [v. i.]
Hindi Meaning Of Poker Face - To search; to feel one's way, as in the dark; to grope; as, to poke about.Poker

Meaning Of Hindi Words

- To thrust or push against or into with anything pointed; hence, to stir up; to excite; as, to poke a fire.
- To thrust with the horns; to gore.
- To put a poke on; as, to poke an ox.

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