Gw2 Mystic Forge Precursor Gambling

Hello I am new and I wanted to share a method I used in the past when I played gw2 to 'farm' precursors. This is a way to guarantee over time you will get a precursor.
What you need to do is save up dungeon tokens. Dungeon tokens are awarded for you guessed right, dungeons! But you can also get from doing pvp reward tracks if you like to do pvp. Be sure to set the pvp reward track to a dungeon reward path.
The dungeon pvp reward tracks give boxes that give level 80 exotic weapons, as well as dungeon tokens. Choose the same weapon type each time. For say you want to get greatsword 2h precursor (name dusk) get greatswords. Save collected greatswords, and over time you will have many swords as well as dungeon tokens which are awarded for pvp reward tracks now.
The weapon boxes from the reward track give 80 exotic weapon type of your choice, and you ALSO get dungeon tokens as a reward along the pvp reward tracks. This allows you to get a LOT of 80 exotic weapons to throw in the mystic forge.
4 weapons are needed to have a roll in the mystic forge for a precursor. By saving up from pvp reward tracks, you will have 'free' weapons, plus plenty of dungeon tokens. Use the dungeon tokens in Lions Arch to buy weapons from dungeon vendors. Weapons are between 290-390 tokens ea.
I cannot confirm this, but it is my believe that dungeon weapons (purchased with tokens) have a higher precursor chance than others. This is a great way to make wealth over time. Even a pure pvper can eventually get a 'free' precursor this way by playing only pvp. I also believe account /age (play time) factors into this because I got a precursor very quickly trying this method on an old account (is how I discovered it).
Since then I have gotten many precursors over time with this method. They sell for good amount $50-100 USD depending on one you get. I hope this can help someone make gold over time. It not too much an 'exploit', more so a smart method to get rich from passive pvp play.
BTW this is also a good method for BOTTING but botting in gw2 is not too simple. Maybe I will write about this later on.
  1. Gw2 Mystic Forge Precursor Gambling Mod
  2. Gw2 Mystic Forge Recipes List
  3. Gw2 Mystic Forge Researcher

Ecto gambling is an unofficial term used by player to refer to one of three methods of spending globs of ectoplasm on random rewards. Specifically:

Gw2 Mystic Forge Precursor Gambling
  1. Mystic forge is gambling and you risk loosing everything (and there is actually a good change you will).
  2. Much of GW2's endgame. focuses on the hunt for cosmetic improvements - legendary items with no stat bonus, but unique skins / animations. To keep these items rare, the precursor weapons to legendary items are low-chance results from mystic forge gambling. Using mystic forge gambling to obtain precursors is a controversial mechanic (at best.
  3. Mystic Forge gambling, using the Ectoplasmic Stone, which can be used as an item substitute in the mystic forge. It costs 25 plus three pieces of gear.
Gw2 Mystic Forge Precursor Gambling
  • Destabilized Ectoplasm, which can be purchased from Tarrktun and related NPCs in various amounts, commonly as Globs of Destabilized Ectoplasm for 250 & 100
  • Sandstorm card gambling, in which various 'winning' hands can be purchased from the Dealer in the Free City of Amnoon, among other vendors. These have the same three price tiers as used for Destabilized Ectoplasm.
  • Mystic Forge gambling, using the Ectoplasmic Stone, which can be used as an item substitute in the mystic forge. It costs 25 plus three pieces of gear.


  • As with most forms of gambling, the odds are set up so that the house always wins in the long run. The first two types are also associated with minor achievements for 100 attempts at the highest tier. Both achievements allow players to purchase a permanent vendor that can be used to sell junk or other unneeded items without searching for an NPC.

See also[edit]

Every time I get an exotic worth less then 2g, I throw it in my bank until I have 3 of them and use them + a mystic stone in order to roll for a precursor. Since you get an exotic back, its every 2 exotics you get result in a chance for a precursor. Using this method, I have forged 3 precursors.

Gw2 Mystic Forge Precursor Gambling Mod


Gw2 Mystic Forge Recipes List

  • Sandstorm gambling tiers and achievement
  • Destabilized Ectoplasm gambling options and achievement
  • Mystic Forge, Mystic Forge Stone, & Ectoplasmic Stone
Gw2 mystic forge precursor

Gw2 Mystic Forge Researcher

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